Reminder! The CCO Magazine wrote earlier: In a unique setting across Lake Constance, Germany, Switzerland and Austria will host the 2015 European Communications Convention (ECC) on 7-9 May. This international PR congress starts in Lindau at the northern bank of the Lake Constance, continues on 8 May in the famous Würth Haus in Rorschach at the southern, Swiss bank and finishes in Bregenz (Austria) in the Festspielhaus.
Second International PR Conference at the Lake Constance
The European Communications Convention is an international event, which brings PR- and CSR-experts from all over Europe and even from Asia together and is building bridges. ECC provides opportunities to interact with each other and to learn from colleagues and at the same time is an opportunity for providers of PR services to present themselves to potential partners from other countries.
In May 2015 the second ECC will take place at the eastern Lake Constance. The main congress day on 8 May is scheduled in the Würth-House in Rorschach, Switzerland. The central theme is innovation, which means also PR for innovation, but in addition innovative PR and innovation management as well. In order not to overload the discussion we will focus on the fields of arts and culture, health care and CSR.
Click here for the programme of the Second International PR Conference
CIPR President Sarah Pinch sent a statement about the Conference. Please click here to read the statement.
As a key partner of the European Communications Convention, TheNewsMarket is offering free video uploads to partner organisations and sponsors of the ECC 2015. Please click here (the website of the Conference) to watch videos, connecting to the Conference.
The CCO Magazine is a proud media supporter of the European Communications Convention.